Monday, December 8, 2008

Eid Adha Mubarak

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha. This year just like previous years, the Hamdan's family sacrificed 1 ekor lembu. But this year unlike previous years, only the children, my mom and their cousins witnessed the "korban" in Merlimau. Me and my other half decides to stay home quitely with our ketupat and rendang itik.

The children insisted of watching the "korban" as they wanted to see their "tunggangan" during hari kebangkitan. They were thrilled on the idea that this "beautiful and strong cow" will carry them on the Judgement Day.

The celebration reminded me of the sacrifices both my wife and me went thru during our hajj 7 years ago. It was the most enriching experience and something that touch our heart for the rest of our lives.

Eid Adha is all about sacrifices. Many who went to Mecca might not get the whole concept of hajj. Instead of pursuing for "Keredaan Allah" they fight to "finishing the ritual at all cost". Thus you can see how greed, selfishness and arrogance were demonstrated instead of humbleness, sharing and sacrifices.

The ambience of Arafah somehow gave us a peek of what Padang Mashar will look like. It really moved me and my other half. From that day onwards we see life differently with a lot of "counting our blessing". Those who gives - receives!

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